On February 4, 2025, at precisely 15:43, a violent blasting session struck Leokeng. The explosions sent shockwaves that shattered windows, fractured foundations and walls and left gaping holes in rooves. In one catastrophic moment, a 70kg rock hurtled through the roof and into the bedroom of an elder, Ms. Martha Moketla’s home, while another massive stone destroyed her food pantry. Smaller rocks rained down, scattering across her bed and lodging in other parts of her home.
Category: Articles
How Nuclear Physicist’s Struggle and Science Revolutionised Eco-Friendly Cooling
Nuclear Physicist, Mojalefa Murphey, demostrates his breakthrough cooling unit.
The Western Media is Dying.
Western media outlets have often resorted to dumbing down societies by reducing global events to shallow soundbites or clickbait that reinforces convenient stereotypes, writes Gillian Schutte
South Africa’s Heart of Darkness —Capitalism, Cannibalism and Cadavers
How can one rationalise punishing miners in such a manner—miners who, in many cases, are themselves economic refugees from within South Africa who are dispossessed in their own land, asks Gillian Schutte.
Russia Condemns Biden’s ‘Scorched Earth’ Sanctions
The sanctions overshadow Donald Trump’s inauguration, reflecting the deep-rooted determination of America’s foreign policy establishment to keep Russia on the defensive until it backs away from its own security demands, writes Gillian Schutte.
Russia’s Diplomatic Clarity: A challenge to western hegemony
By Gillian Schutte Western pundits and politicians continuously flood the global media landscape with noble-sounding claims about promoting democracy and defending human rights.Play Video However, their actions—from military invasions to political meddling—reveal…
The Real Exposé: Daily Maverick’s Playground Tactics and the Defence of Independent Media
By Gillian Schutte The recent Daily Maverick article by Marianne Thamm, “Exposed — Iqbal Survé and Lindiwe Sisulu’s ‘unmasking’ event goes down like a lead balloon,” is another glaring example of the…
Liberals Are Not Leftist: Navigating the Absurdity of Contemporary Political Confusion.
By Gillian Schutte The nexus of contemporary political ideologies presents a postmodern paradox, where traditional distinctions between left, right, and liberal ideologies have become increasingly blurred. Nowadays, it’s common to see liberals…