Category: Articles
Lack of service delivery and women
This clip is from the documentary Transforming informal settlementsĀ – The Grootboom case, and The forgotten place. It looks at the particular impact poverty and lack of services has on women.
Lack of service delivery and women
Womens’ sense of dignity compromised by lack of basic services A trip into any of the hundreds of informal settlements in South Africa is a brutal reminder of the need to highlight…
Housing Department Response 2
“Good Morning In response to your e-mail below, please find our response as follows:- The overall cost of the project is as follows: 1. Initial costs incurred for professional fees = R…
Housing Department Response
We write to the housing department to find out why the Barracks tenants were forcibly removed from their houses and why their previous dwellings were destroyed and not upgraded as they had…
Grootboom Housing Crisis
A film that investigates the case of the Grootboom community living around the sports field awaiting their promised housing.A gritty look at the squalor and poverty in an area in which 20…