By Gillian Schutte A copy of the Report on the ANC Integrity Commission’s (IC) engagement with Minister Lindiwe Sisulu reads like a petty and contradictory missive written by those with a vindictive agenda…
Category: African News
Ex Political Prisoners say that Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo should withdraw his bid for the position of Chief Justice.
PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY: THE ROBBEN ISLAND EX POLITICAL PRISONERS INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM. 03 FEBRUARY 2022. We, as a collective of Ex Political Prisoners, are disturbed to note that Acting Chief Justice Raymond…
I am ‘Indian’ and I support Jackie Shandu.
Juanita Chitepo, a writer classified Indian in South Africa, tells us why she supports Jackie Shandu, who was recently arrested and jailed for his
controversial One Indian, One Bullet slogan.
Tokyo Sexwale’s Nauseating Hypocrisy.
Tokyo Sexwale is a nauseating hypocrite say Ex Roben Island Political Prisoners (ERIEF)
Adam Habib is not me. Sipho Singiswa questions Adam Habib’s appointment as Director of SOAS by University of London.
By Sipho Singiswa As an indigenous Black South African I write to express my dismay and disgust at the recent appointment of outgoing WITS Vice Chancellor, Adam Habib, as Director of the…