Dropping Bombs and Casual Genocide Promotion in South Africa

By Gillian Schutte. Persistent racial tensions and instances of race-based violence continue to afflict South Africa, revealing profound challenges in achieving genuine equality. Helen Mc Murtrie's recent comment on the "NELSPRUITERS" Facebook Page serves as ....

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I am ‘Indian’ and I support Jackie Shandu.

By Juanita Chitepo  I was born in South Africa, classified 'Indian' by the Apartheid Government, schooled with and educated by Indians. I still maintain a family home, in what used to be and largely remains ....

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Farm Murders: Fact vs Fiction

By Nigel Branken Social commentator, Nigel Branken, compiles real data that disproves the mythology around white genocide and farm attacks in South Africa 1. Farm murders are extremely rare in South Africa. In 2019 there ....

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Professor Rozena Maart

Rozena Maart’s Open Letter to the German Association of American Studies.

 An Open Letter to the German Association of American Studies, also known as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien  Date: 7th June 2020  Re: Your recently posted statement on racism  https://dgfa.de/statement-on-racism/ I shall forego the expected formalities ....

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White Eroticisation of Black Suffering

By:  Gillian Schutte Pics:  from www.thirdworldbunfight.co.za  Eroticisation Brett Bailey’s Exhibit B – an art installation that recreates the horrors that white colonialists wreaked on black body, came under fire when Black communities in (more…)

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