Category: Speak Up – Opinion Pieces
A column for voices that rail against the mainstream. This is a open opinion column and does not necessarily reflect the views of Media for Justice.
“No Logo” author Naomi Klein has no problem ‘branding’ Brand.
By Gillian Schutte (more…)
Spectacle and the functioning of power structures. The take-down of Russell Brand.
By: Gillian Schutte (more…)
A guide to grief: As told from the ‘inexperience’ of the living
By Alice Mbeya (more…)
Fear & Loathing in South Africa – those who sought to sabotage the EFF’s National Shutdown.
By Sipho Singiswa (more…)
The horrifying fallout of weaponised wokeness and cancel culture. From Fees Must Fall to KOP.
By Gillian Schutte (more…)
Godongwana and the masseuse: The political weaponization of denying sexual assault.
By Gillian Schutte (more…)