By Gillian Schutte Brown issues, in environmental jargon, refer to the environmental impact of pollution on communities living in the ambit of big industry.
Leering glances: The silence on sexual harassment is untenable
By: Gillian Schutte Sexual harassment on the streets is a pervasive phenomenon that women from a range of racial and cultural backgrounds as well as social
White Eroticisation of Black Suffering
By: Gillian Schutte Pics: from Eroticisation Brett Bailey’s Exhibit B – an art installation that recreates the horrors that white colonialists wreaked on black body, came under fire when Black communities…
Facts are the enemy of truth: A perspective on The Oscar Pistorius Verdict
By: Sheena St. Clair Jonker Photo courtesy of Wikipedia There is much anger and disappointment at the verdict in the Oscar Pistorius Trial. Personally, I am amazed at the amazement especially in…
A comprehensive guide to white privilege in South Africa
By: Gillian Schutte:
AmaCDE’s song, Umhlaba Uzobuya – Anti-Indianism or a cry for help?
I think it was 20th Century Catholic Archbishop who said when I feed the poor they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me…
A Trip into Alexandra Township where babies and the elderly are killed by rats.
Joburg baby’s fingers, nose eaten by rats August 27 2014