Does the Media Desensitise us to the Suffering of the Poor?
By Gillian Schutte Last week saw the memorial of the Marikana Massacre unfold on national television, namely on eNCA, which rolled out an entire day dedicated to the miners that died in…
Marikana: Neoliberalism Negates Human Rights.
(Picture Credit: Gillian Schutte – Media for Justice)
The Shocking Collusion Behind the Marikana Miners’ Massacre
A year after the Marikana massacre, miners’ lawyer Jim Nichol looks at the facts revealed by the inquiry. By Jim Nichol · 19 Aug 2013
67 Minutes of Shame: Homophobic Hate Crimes Go Unnoticed
“Africa your silence is loud! Speak out against patriarchy, homophobia and transphobia.”
The Politics of Shit and Why it Should Be Used in Social Justice Protests.
By Gillian Schutte Poststructuralist psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, has argued that humans distinguish themselves from animals in the instant during which shit becomes something shameful.
The Unsustainability of Corporate Propaganda – From Lonmin to Wonderkop
Article by Gillian Schutte. When the mass strike action hit the Rustenberg Platinum belt in August 2012 mainstream South African public was quick to write off the striking miners as an unruly…