By Thesna Aston In living colour. The list of black people being murdered and brutalised grows by the minute. It’s not just by police officers and military but people behind the uniform…
Farm Murders: Fact vs Fiction
By Nigel Branken Social commentator, Nigel Branken, compiles real data that disproves the mythology around white genocide and farm attacks in South Africa 1. Farm murders are extremely rare in South Africa….
Adam Habib is not me. Sipho Singiswa questions Adam Habib’s appointment as Director of SOAS by University of London.
By Sipho Singiswa As an indigenous Black South African I write to express my dismay and disgust at the recent appointment of outgoing WITS Vice Chancellor, Adam Habib, as Director of the…
The Boy Child and Gender Based Violence
In this article, I’ll be speaking on gender-based violence against black men and boys in general terms, focusing on three points: the definition of gender with regards to gender based violence, recognition and acceptance of the phenomenon of gender based violence against men and boys, and lastly, the impact of race on the recognition of black men and boys as victims of violence.
Rozena Maart’s Open Letter to the German Association of American Studies.
An Open Letter to the German Association of American Studies, also known as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Date: 7th June 2020 Re: Your recently posted statement on racism I shall forego the…
Why Race Justice?
Gillian Schutte writes about shining the light on whiteness and white privilege. As a white person privy to a gamut of white attitudes, it is of great interest to me to explore…
Life of Kai. A mother’s reflection on her son’s suicide.
By: Gillian Schutte Suicide is on the increase – especially among the youth. Statistics from the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) show that 9% of all youth deaths are due…
The angry man and the rookie actor. How Odwa Shweni fell to his death.
After almost two years of lies and malicious speculation on social and mainstream media, I have decided to give our account of Odwa Shweni’s tragic death on our film set in April 2018. This cruel media onslaught has not only caused us terrible trauma, it also impacted negatively on the life of our son, Kai, who died through suicide in December 2019 after months of anxiety and depression, much of which was brought about by the many false allegations against us, anxiety exacerbated when one of his Wits lectures used the factually inaccurate City Press article in a lesson as an example on how not to make a film, something we only became aware of after his suicide.
Why I reject the “All Black Men Are Trash” campaign.
By: Lavi Ramphomane You know why white women did not ascend to the rafters in order to hog the limelight with declarations like “all WHITE men are murderers” in the wake of…