Ex political prisoners say human rights abuses and racism a Covid-19 scourge.
EX-ROBBEN ISLAND EMPOWERMENT FORUM (ERIEF) PRESS STATEMENT (May 05, 2020) The Impact of Neglect and COVID-19 0n Robben Island Ex-Political Prisoners.
EX-ROBBEN ISLAND EMPOWERMENT FORUM (ERIEF) PRESS STATEMENT (May 05, 2020) The Impact of Neglect and COVID-19 0n Robben Island Ex-Political Prisoners.
By Gillian Schutte Brown issues, in environmental jargon, refer to the environmental impact of pollution on communities living in the ambit of big industry. (more…)
By: Damon Leff A recent MWEB radio advert and the response from City Press demonstrated how human rights abuses resulting from accusations of witchcraft in South Africa are dismissed in favour of profit and misleading ....
Photo by Gillian Schutte: Mintails Mine put up a flimsy tape to prevent children from playing on uranium poisoned mine dumps. Films by Sipho Singiswa. (more…)
By: Gillian Schutte Pic: Media for Justice/Gillian Schutte The fanfare at the beginning of a New Year is usually celebratory and full of hope. This celebration is a way for people to wipe the slate ....
(Picture Credit: Gillian Schutte - Media for Justice) (more…)