The Boy Child and Gender Based Violence
By Philile Langa The Vulnerability of Black Boys With Regards To Violence I’m writing this from the point of view of a queer black feminist who has done research on race and violence, and the ....
By Philile Langa The Vulnerability of Black Boys With Regards To Violence I’m writing this from the point of view of a queer black feminist who has done research on race and violence, and the ....
Joburg baby’s fingers, nose eaten by rats August 27 2014 (more…)
By Gillian Schutte: Picture credit: Women were left carrying the burden in Marikana, courtesy Gillian Schutte This women’s month marks two years since the Marikana massacre. The widows of the workers killed by the South ....
Photo by Gillian Schutte: Mintails Mine put up a flimsy tape to prevent children from playing on uranium poisoned mine dumps. Films by Sipho Singiswa. (more…)