South Durban Community/ Government/ Industry/ Civil Society/ International Discussions

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Newspaper articles on South Durban Community Dilemma

Activists demand action over pollution
"Community activists have called on parliament to create a national system to manage and crack down on industrial polluters when they draft an Air Quality Management Bill, which is expected by the end of the month."

Clean up or pay up
The government flexed its new anti-pollution muscles on Wednesday when it ordered Thor Chemicals to start cleaning up thousands of tons of toxic mercury waste — or be saddled with a R60-million government clean-up bill.

Incinerator emissions and shrinking genitals
Poisonous emissions from incinerators could be seriously hindering the sexual development of children ...

Rejoice kicks ass
Deputy Environment Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi has read the riot act to polluting industries that profit at the expense of people's health ...

Don’t allow this new pollution
KwaZulu-Natal environment minister Narend Singh has been asked to cancel government approval of Engen's R150-million Durban refinery expansion because it allows industry to "thrive at the expense of people".

South Durban Buffer plans run into flak
A plan to set up a special council working group on "industrial buffer zones" in south Durban has renewed anxiety that many residents face relocation from homes bordering local refineries and heavy industry.

Shell slammed over crumbling refinery

Men with a people-centred approach to activism
Two KwaZulu-Natal activists have forged their struggles to protect their communities, and create successful and effective networks, with excellent results ...